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SHOREWOOD: Holy Family School

Chess club

February 15, 2008

SHOREWOOD — Holy Family School has completed its first-ever Afterschool Chess Club eight-week winter program.

The professional instruction was offered to students grades first-eighth. Current research has shown a strong link between chess and academic performance in a variety of areas, including mathematics and language arts.

Also, chess has been proven to enhance children’s motivation, concentration, focus, social skills and creativity.

The club was guided by an experienced Chess Scholars coach with a competition at the end of the session. A dozen students, in second through sixth grades, took advantage of this opportunity to learn the game, improve their skills and compete.

A first-place trophy was awarded to second-grader Alex Kuhar. A second-place trophy was awarded to Nicholas Sandora, a third-grade student. Last week, the new session had begun.

“The students just love it,” said Principal Judy Strohschein.